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How can choosing Aquasolve resomation reduce the environmental impact of your funeral?

Our hydrolysers operate entirely on electricity and emit no carbon dioxide (CO2).
As researched and confirmed by research institute TNO, this new technique of body delivery compares favorably with traditional burial and cremation in terms of sustainability. Through the process of alkaline hydrolysis, the body of the deceased is converted into a stable and fertile liquid with the bones remaining for the next of kin.
Using Aquasolve’s hydrolyser reduces the use of resources that are becoming increasingly scarce as the years go by. Less harmful emissions are also created. Emissions of harmful substances are many times lower than with burial or cremation. In addition, body burial on the sustainable Aquasolve method takes up less available space than is usual with burial.

Apart from sustainability, a high degree of safety is created through alkaline hydrolysis. Indeed, the process of body breakdown is not accompanied by the release of substances harmful to humans and the environment because Aquasolve uses atmospheric pressure with temperatures below the boiling point. The alkaline hydrolysis process of the hydrolyser therefore takes place pressure-free and at low temperature so that a high degree of safety can be guaranteed. So not only environmentally safe, but also safety for the people who have to operate the hydrolyser.
Finally, there is guaranteed degradation of the body when using the hydrolyser. Dignity of the human body is again guaranteed. There is also no accidental mixing of bodies and their remains. During the process of hydrolyzing, there is no public observability of the degradation process and it takes place safely and closed. The integrity of body is guaranteed as well as the integrity of remains is guaranteed.

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