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The HDL Hydrolyser® was developed by Aquasolve®, a Dutch company based in Landgraaf.

The Hydrolyser® is suitable for resomerizing human or animal tissue. Resomerization is the chemical process, alkaline hydrolysis. This is a technique in which human or animal remains are dissolved in hot water using potassium hydroxide. Another term is water cremation.

Resomerization is an alternative and, in particular, a more environmentally friendly method of corpse disposal. It has been scientifically proven that the process of alkaline hydrolysis emits much less carbon dioxide (CO2) than the common processes of burial and cremation.

Resomerization therefore rightly deserves a lot of attention in the present time. The Hydrolyser® itself emits nothing in the way of CO2. With the (further) development of the Hydrolyser®, Aquasolve® hopes to make a positive contribution to CO2 reduction and the greenhouse effect.

Aquasolve® has developed two variants of the Hydrolyser®, namely the HDL BESTIA and the HDL ANDRON. With the HDL BESTIA, animals are said goodbye via water cremation. The HDL Andron was developed especially for humans.

Human resomination is permitted in more and more countries. Legislation is being changed at an accelerated pace because the advantages of alkaline hydrolysis are evident. The Dutch Burial Act is expected to be amended in 2024. There is a belief that resomerization is the future.

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